Prayer is an important part of our life as church - we really do want it to underpin everything we do and who we are. God loves to hear his people's prayers and He invites us to boldly approach Him to receive grace and mercy in our time of need.
Praying Together
Our regular weekly time to pray together as a church is 9:30-10am Thursday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join us as we pray together informally in the ‘Quiet Room’ at All Saints. The last Thursday of the month is particuarly focused on praying for our church mission partners.
There is a Churches Together in Swanage weekly prayer meeting 9am on Tuesdays at Emmanuel Baptist Church - again all welcome.
The Prayer Network
In order to support one another in those difficult seasons of life, we have a confidential email prayer network that people can ask to pray for specific issues / people in times of need. If you would like to join this prayer network or would like to submit a prayer request, please contact the vicar.
Prayer Rooms
From time to time we set up All Saints as a prayer room to allow people to come and spend dedicated time in a creative prayer environment. Watch this space for the next one.

Link to prayer room sign up
for information about prayer please contact the vicar