The Bishop of Salisbury, The Rt Rev Stephen Lake visited All Saints Church on Sunday, 17 November, designated Safeguarding Sunday.
The bishop told us that he had decided to come to All Saints to say thank you to the church for being a place of safety and refuge for the residents of Gainsborough care home following the critical emergency that had recently occurred there.
He also thanked the vicar, Jo Levasier, for the professional but priestly and humble way she dealt with the media.

He thanked Claire, Margaret and Anne the Parish Safeguarding Officers for All Saints, St Mary’s and St Mark’s churches for the very important work they do in keeping us all safe.
During his sermon he spoke about the historical context of the need for safeguarding and how it has developed into the scheme we have now and the confidence that local churches could have in the procedures within our own diocese of Salisbury as noted in the 2024 external audit.
You can listen to Bishop Stephen’s sermon here by clicking this link: SERMON